High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Joint 17th ALADIN Workshop / HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2007, Oslo, Norway, 23-26 April 2007
Article published on 28 April 2007
last modification on 16 February 2009

by Patricia

The joint HIRLAM All Staff Meeting (ASM) & 17th ALADIN Workshop took place on 23-26 April 2007 in Oslo, in the new premises of’s R&D department. As was agreed at the 2006 Meeting, the ASM and Workshop largely had a common program, based on joint thematic sessions. One day in the programme was reserved for the two consortia separately. Prior to the ASM, a meeting of the HIRLAM Management Group and the ALADIN CSSI took place to discuss the common plans and activities.
General outline of the meeting:

  • Monday morning : a plenary session together with ALADIN, with presentations of common or special interest.
  • Monday afternoon and Tuesday : thematic (cross-consortium) sessions.
  • Wednesday, the consortia each had their own programme and discussion sessions.
  • Thursday morning : plenary session, in which the outcome of the thematic sessions was reported and discussed.

More details on the agenda (list of participants included).

Presentations of the different sessions : click on (pdf) to open the presentation

Plenary opening session

  • Jean-Francois Geleyn: Overview of ALADIN status and plans (pdf)
  • Jeanette Onvlee: Overview of HIRLAM status and plans (pdf)
  • François Bouttier: AROME status and plans (pdf)
  • Nils Gustafsson and Claude Fischer: joint plans on mesoscale data assimilation (pdf)
  • Radmila Brozkova: Recent status of ALARO-0 (pdf)
  • Trond Iversen: Overview of probabilistic forecasting efforts in HIRLAM (pdf)
  • Jeanette Onvlee: SRNWP proposal and status (pdf)
  • Trond Iversen: EurEPS proposal and status (pdf)
  • François Bouttier: Interoperability proposal and status (pdf)
  • short poster presentations (except ALADIN national posters)

Room 1: Session 1: Data assimilation and use of observations

  • Andrea Storto and Magnus Lindskog : Experiences with the ALADIN 3D-VAR (pdf)
  • Sandor Kertesz (presented by Gergely Boloni) : First results by the ALADIN 3FGAT scheme in Hungary (pdf)
  • Ole Vignes: Balance equations as background constraints in variational assimilation (pdf)
  • Roger Randriamampianina, Gergely Boloni: Latest developments related to 3D-VAR data assimilation at HMS (pdf)
  • Carlos Geijo: Assimilation of MODIS AMV’s in HIRLAM 7.1 (pdf)
  • Mariken Homleid: Use of OSI SAF sea ice and SST in HIRLAM’s surface analysis (pdf)
  • Ludovic Auger: ALADIN assimilation experiments and 10m wind (pdf)
  • Benedikt Strajnar : A comparison between dynamic adaptation and mesoscale analysis methods for initial conditions for ALADIN over Slovenia (pdf)
  • General discussion

Room 2: Session 2: Dynamics

  • Piet Termonia: Dynamics: report and plans on the time-step organisation, LBC’s and MCUF (pdf)
  • Jan Masek : Diagnostic tool for lateral coupling (pdf)
  • Martina Tudor : Semi-Lagrangian coupling of physics to dynamics (pdf)
  • Mariano Hortal: HIRLAM dynamics activities (pdf)
  • Filip Vana : Recent status of SLHD (pdf)
  • Jan Masek : New interpolators for SLHD scheme (pdf)
  • Jozef Vivoda : First results with VFE scheme NH ALADIN (pdf)
  • Ulf Andrae: Daily runs with ALADIN/AROME (pdf)
  • General discussion

Session 3: Model Physics.

  • Sander Tijm: HIRLAM physics developments overview (pdf)
  • Jean-Marcel Piriou : Status of 3MT (pdf)
  • Bjarne Stig Andersen: Semi-operational ALADIN forecasts at DMI using AROME and HIRLAM physics (pdf)
  • Eric Bazile: TKE + QPF scores (pdf)
  • Sami Niemela: Convective precipitation in AROME (pdf)
  • Jure Cedilnik: Validation of microphysics without convection part (pdf)
  • Stefan Gollvik: Some experiments on surface analysis influence on the lower atmosphere (pdf)
  • Neva Pristov: Statistical method used in thermal radiation (pdf)
  • Laura Rontu: HIRLAM in Sodankyla and Vatnajokull (pdf)
  • Ekaterina Kourzeneva: Lakes in HIRLAM: first steps
  • Patrick Le Moigne : Surface analysis, ECOCLIMAP (pdf)
  • Jean-Marcel Piriou and Tomislav Kovacic: DDH (pdf)
  • General discussion

Room 2: Session 4: System aspects, verification.

  • Martina Tudor: DART project and preliminary results (pdf)
  • Lovro Kalin: Comparison of ALADIN and ALARO forecasts in Croatia (pdf)
  • Ulf Andrae: Introduction of the HARMONIE system (pdf)
  • Sandor Kertesz (presented by Gergely Boloni): Experiments with the use of ECMWF lateral boundary conditions for the ALADIN/HU model (pdf)
  • Per Unden: Archiving in MARS (pdf)
  • Kai Sattler: On the ensemble mode in HIRLAM 7.1 (pdf)
  • Alex Deckmyn : Downscaling the ERA-40 re-analysis to the Belgian domain using ALADIN (pdf)
  • Thor-Erik Nordeng: The performance of the operational 4km resolution HIRLAM and UM runs at (pdf)
  • Alex Deckmyn: Rfa: an advanced package for analysis of ALADIN data (pdf)
  • Rafiq Hamdi: Improving the SURFEX/TEB scheme: 1-D validation in a street canyon (pdf)
  • Aarne Mannik: Verification of different precipitation forecasts during extended winter season in Estonia (pdf)
  • General discussion

Room 1: Session 5: Probabilistic forecasting.

  • Yong Wang: Recent developments in ALADIN-LACE on LAM-EPS (pdf)
  • Jose Antonio Garcia-Moya: Multi-model ensemble at INM. Status and verification (pdf)
  • Andras Horanyi: The contribution of ALADIN Partners to the GLAMEPS project (pdf)
  • Carlos Santos: Verification of INM multi-model ensemble precipitation forecasts against European rain gauge networks (pdf)
  • John Bjørnar Bremnes: Statistical calibration of precipitation ensembles (pdf)
  • Jan Barkmeijer: Singular vectors in HIRLAM (pdf)
  • Alexander Kann: Status of the pre-operational ALADIN-LAEF system (pdf)
  • Inger-Lise Frogner: Combination of EPS/TEPS (pdf)
  • General discussion

Room 2: Session 6: Applications, demonstration session.

  • Oldrich Spaniel: Questionnaire on tools used in the ALADIN/HIRLAM world (pdf)
  • Jean-Daniel Gril: Pinuts utilities (pdf)
  • Martin Janousek: CHAGAL graphics (pdf)
  • Helen Korsmo: DIANA (pdf)
  • Carlos Santos: INM Ensemble monitoring and verification tools (pdf)
  • Ulf Andrae: HARMONIE monitoring tools
  • Kalle Eerola: Verification graphics (pdf)
  • Mariano Hortal: PrepIFS developments
  • General discussion, demonstrations in detail

Working Group number 1 on surface issues (consistency and interface issues between atmosphere and surface models)

Room 1: HIRLAM Session

  • Magnus Lindskog: Coherent observation impact studies (pdf)
  • Bent Hansen Sass (presented by Bjarne Stig Andersen): Recent STRACO developments (pdf)
  • Javier Calvo: The Kain-Fritsch convection in HIRLAM. Present status and prospects (pdf)
  • Karl-Ivar Ivarsson: The Rasch Kristjansson large scale condensation. Present status and prospects (pdf)
  • Sander Tijm: The STRACO – KF-RK intercomparison (pdf)
  • Xiaohua Yang: Reference System developments (pdf)
  • Kalle Eerola: On the performance of HIRLAM 7.1 (pdf)
  • Xiaohua Yang: Reference verification upgrade and model intercomparison (pdf)
  • Jacob Weismann Poulsen: Source code overhaul (pdf)
  • Tomas Wilhelmsson: One year of subversion: lessons and future plans (pdf)
  • Xiaohua Yang: General overview of national HIRLAM systems (pdf)

Room 2 : ALADIN Session

  • CSSI meeting
  • Jean Maziejewski and Patricia Pottier: Toulouse Support team presentation
  • Ryad El Khatib and Claude Fischer: Tools on new MF computer: how partners will work on NEC (pdf)
  • Francois Bouyssel: SURFEX implementation
  • Jure Jerman: Current status of ALADIN Verification Project (AVP)
  • Sabine Leroch : The ALADIN/INCA nowcasting system: status and operational experience (pdf)
  • Introduction to ALADIN national posters
  • LTM meeting
  • Jean-Francois Geleyn: Debriefing of Radostovice ALARO training course (pdf)

GLAMEPS discussion (common to HIRLAM and ALADIN)

Plenary session

  • Jeanette Onvlee: Reporting back on outcome of HMG-CSSI meeting (pdf)
  • Overview of WG on mesoscale validation activities (pdf)
  • Jean-François Geleyn: Overview of WG on surface issues
  • Andras Horanyi : Report of GLAMEPS discussion (pdf)
  • reporting back on outcome of session 1 by chairpersons (pdf)
  • reporting back on outcome of session 2 by chairpersons (pdf)
  • reporting back on outcome of session 3 by chairpersons
  • reporting back on outcome of session 4 by chairpersons (pdf)
  • reporting back on outcome of session 5 by chairpersons
  • reporting back on outcome of session 6 by chairpersons (pdf)
  • general discussion and closure (pdf)

Archiving in MARS 733 KiB / PDF

AROME status and plans 4.4 MiB / PDF

Assimilation of MODIS AMV’s in HIRLAM 7.1 7.9 MiB / PDF

Balance equations as background constraints in variational assimilation 1 MiB / PDF

CHAGAL graphics 1.5 MiB / PDF

Coherent observation impact studies 744.4 KiB / PDF

Combination of EPS/TEPS 2.1 MiB / PDF

Comparison of ALADIN and ALARO forecasts in Croatia 199.8 KiB / PDF

Convective precipitation in AROME 1.3 MiB / PDF

Daily runs with ALADIN/AROME 4.2 MiB / PDF

DART project and preliminary results 1.6 MiB / PDF


Debriefing of Radostovice ALARO training course 1.4 MiB / PDF

Diagnostic tool for lateral coupling 3.9 MiB / PDF


Downscaling the ERA-40 re-analysis to the Belgian domain using ALADIN 2.3 MiB / PDF

Dynamics : report and plans on the time-step organisation, LBC’s and MCUF 843.2 KiB / PDF

eporting back on outcome of session 1 301.4 KiB / PDF

eporting back on outcome of session 2 1016.7 KiB / PDF

eporting back on outcome of session 4 349.7 KiB / PDF

eporting back on outcome of session 6 47.4 KiB / PDF

EurEPS proposal and status 380.3 KiB / PDF

Experiences with the ALADIN 3D-VAR 1.4 MiB / PDF

Experiments with the use of ECMWF lateral boundary conditions for the ALADIN/HU model 770.8 KiB / PDF

First results by the ALADIN 3FGAT scheme in Hungary 910.7 KiB / PDF

First results with VFE scheme NH ALADIN 9.4 MiB / PDF

general discussion and closure 59.8 KiB / PDF

General overview of national HIRLAM systems 749.9 KiB / PDF

HIRLAM dynamics activities 154.9 KiB / PDF

HIRLAM in Sodankyla and Vatnajokull 1.9 MiB / PDF

HIRLAM physics developments overview 1.6 MiB / PDF

Improving the SURFEX/TEB scheme : 1-D validation in a street canyon 2.6 MiB / PDF

INM Ensemble monitoring and verification tools 8.5 MiB / PDF

Interoperability proposal and status 741.3 KiB / PDF

Introduction of the HARMONIE system 1.3 MiB / PDF

joint plans on mesoscale data assimilation 1 MiB / PDF

Latest developments related to 3D-VAR data assimilation at HMS 2.5 MiB / PDF

Multi-model ensemble at INM. Status and verification 2.7 MiB / PDF

New interpolators for SLHD scheme 336 KiB / PDF

On the ensemble mode in HIRLAM 7.1 228.9 KiB / PDF

On the performance of HIRLAM 7.1 1.4 MiB / PDF

One year of subversion : lessons and future plans 498.6 KiB / PDF

Overview of ALADIN status and plans 707 KiB / PDF

Overview of HIRLAM status and plans 386.8 KiB / PDF

Overview of probabilistic forecasting efforts in HIRLAM 1.3 MiB / PDF

Overview of WG on mesoscale validation activities 1.7 MiB / PDF

Pinuts utilities 267.3 KiB / PDF

Questionnaire on tools used in the ALADIN/HIRLAM world 1 MiB / PDF

Recent developments in ALADIN-LACE on LAM-EPS 1.5 MiB / PDF

Recent status of ALARO-0 547.2 KiB / PDF

Recent status of SLHD 6.2 MiB / PDF

Recent STRACO developments 1.3 MiB / PDF

Reference System developments 190.4 KiB / PDF

Reference verification upgrade and model intercomparison 745.9 KiB / PDF

Report of GLAMEPS discussion 1.6 MiB / PDF

Reporting back on outcome of HMG-CSSI meeting 81.7 KiB / PDF

Rfa : an advanced package for analysis of ALADIN data 1012.8 KiB / PDF

Semi-Lagrangian coupling of physics to dynamics 505.2 KiB / PDF

Semi-operational ALADIN forecasts at DMI using AROME and HIRLAM physics 1.7 MiB / PDF

Singular vectors in HIRLAM 1 MiB / PDF

Some experiments on surface analysis influence on the lower atmosphere 315.2 KiB / PDF

Source code overhaul 379.8 KiB / PDF

SRNWP proposal and status 86.8 KiB / PDF

Statistical calibration of precipitation ensembles 846.5 KiB / PDF

Statistical method used in thermal radiation 729.2 KiB / PDF

Status of 3MT 696.6 KiB / PDF

Status of the pre-operational ALADIN-LAEF system 2.1 MiB / PDF

Surface analysis, ECOCLIMAP 713.6 KiB / PDF

The ALADIN/INCA nowcasting system : status and operational experience 1.9 MiB / PDF

The contribution of ALADIN Partners to the GLAMEPS project 532 KiB / PDF

The Kain-Fritsch convection in HIRLAM. Present status and prospects 816.3 KiB / PDF

The performance of the operational 4km resolution HIRLAM and UM runs at 4.4 MiB / PDF

The Rasch Kristjansson large scale condensation. Present status and prospects 2.7 MiB / PDF

The STRACO – KF-RK intercomparison 1.1 MiB / PDF

TKE + QPF scores 1.5 MiB / PDF

Tools on new MF computer : how partners will work on NEC 181.6 KiB / PDF

Use of OSI SAF sea ice and SST in HIRLAM’s surface analysis 1.5 MiB / PDF

Validation of microphysics without convection part 1019.9 KiB / PDF

Verification graphics 989.7 KiB / PDF

Verification of different precipitation forecasts during extended winter season in Estonia 147.4 KiB / PDF

Verification of INM multi-model ensemble precipitation forecasts against European rain gauge networks 7.9 MiB / PDF

Wk17 : agenda and participants 54 KiB / PDF