High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Under the governance of the 3rd MoU
Article published on 27 August 2010
last modification on 21 November 2013

by Patricia

Since the 3rd MoU (2005) and the new governance, workplans are be for 4 years, updated each year (transitional situation in 2006-2007) and a document explains the 10 years ALADIN strategy (2008-2017).

  • 10 years ALADIN strategy : "A strategy for the ALADIN consortium from 2008 to 2017" defines ambitious challenges and intends to reach them in the most efficient and cost-effective way, keeping the consortium at its world-class position in its domain. It details :
    • Goals & Benefits
    • Current status : Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
    • Deliverables for all objectives of the spectrum of activities
    • Definition of an operational evolution scenario for the ALADIN consortium with an operational roadmap
    • R&D choices for implementation of the strategy
    • Implementation of software cooperation
    • Verification and evaluation
    • Best practices and optimum use of resources
    • Balancing innovation and operational focus
    • Scientific supervision
    • Dedicating resources to technical infrastructure
    • International positioning and co-operations
      -** ...

2007 Working Plan 176.9 KiB / PDF