Objective of the meeting
The 14th SRNWP meeting held in October 2007 (Dubrovnik, Croatia) proposed the creation of eight Expert Teams according to various aspects of short range numerical weather prediction in order to enhance collaborations between the five main European consortia.
Regarding the ET on “surface processes†a draft workplan was written at the beginning of 2008 providing guidelines on possible collaborations over the coming years. This draft was presented and discussed during the 15th SRNWP meeting in October 2008 (Madrid, Spain).
In order to make the collaborations more effective among us, a 1st meeting was organized in Toulouse (12 June 2009) where the participants of the ET on Surface Processes from all consortia met together.
The minutes of this working day summarize the main outcomes in terms of collaborations for the next two years.
Presentations given during the meeting
- Overview of SRNWP activities (J.-F. Mahfouf).
- COSMO activities (J. Helmert)
- MetOffice activities (G. Rooney)
- HIRLAM activities (S. Tijm)
- ALADIN/LACE activities (L. Kullmann)
- ECMWF activities (P. De Rosnay)