High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Assimilation and analysis (current status)
Article published on 3 July 2009
last modification on 20 September 2012

by JFM
Soil temperature and water content Optimum interpolation based on screen-level analysis increments of T and RH 2-dimensional (vertical and temporal) variational technique using 2-m temperature analyses at 12 and 15 UTC
Analysed variables : soil moisture of the top 5 soil layers (0-81 cm) at 00 UTC
Optimum interpolation based on screen-level analysis increments of T and RH Errors in forecasts of screen T and RH used to calculate increments to soil moisture. NAE and M4 use UKPP over UK and interpolated global SMC elsewhere
Level 1 T atmospheric increments applied to top soil level in absence of snow
EKF for soil moisture and OI for soil/snow temperatures based on screen-level analysis increments of T and RH
Sea surface temperature Optimum interpolation using surface observations with a relaxation towards OSTIA SST analysis Correction method. Background field from GME SST analysis using NCEP 0.5°x0.5° SST analysis that includes satellite data. Observations from SYNOP-SHIP and BUOY. OI (HIRLAM) - interpolation from OSTIA (HARMONIE) Interpolated from OSTIA analysis Aggregation of OSTIA SST products based on surface observations and satellite products
Sea-ice extent Derived from sea-ice concentration (used only to update sea-ice temperature) Sea ice cover analysis from BSH (German Institute for shipping and hydrology) for the Baltic sea. Resolution lon/lat : 0.167x0.1 degrees, NCEP analysis in other areas Taken from OSISAF Interpolated from OSTIA analysis Aggregation of OSTIA and NCEP sea-ice products which are the OSI-SAF products (from SSM/I data)
Sea-ice temperature From BSH and NECP analyses Interpolated from ECMWF analyses
Snow depth Background values with relaxation towards climatology from the global model ARPEGE Correction method. Used data : background values from COSMO model, snow depth observations from SYNOP stations, present and past SYNOP weather, precipitation amount, 2-m temperature analysis (+model prediction). Monthly snow depth, climatology from ECMWF for permanently glacial covered areas OI based on in-situ measurements Model values corrected using IMS mask and use of background info OI analysis using surface observations (SYNOP+national networks)+ use of 4km NOAA/NESDIS snow cover extent to correct snow depth observations
Lake Closest point from SST analysis (using NCEP 0.5° for large lakes) Flake values from last forecast FLake + OI from LST observations (Finland, SYKE) Climatology or nearest SST Great lakes : interpolation of the NCEP SST products. Other lakes: SST derived from T2m climatology from Legates and Wilmott (1990)
Vegetation None None None Seasonal LAI climatology derived from MODIS data LAI climatology derived from MODIS data