High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Current governance
Article published on 4 April 2018
last modification on 14 September 2020

by Patricia

The governance and the management of the ALADIN Consortium is defined by the 5th MoU and by the 22ndt General Assembly at the end of 2017 (see also history of chair persons).
Please consult the complete MoU5 document for details.
For a quick view :

the Members map the matrix schematically describing the bodies/entities established by the new MoU and the positions in December 2019
ALADIN Partners map
ALADIN matrix

 General Assembly (GA)

  • Chairperson : Martin Benko (Sk), re-elected in November 2018
  • Vice-Chairperson : Anne Debar (Fr) re-elected in November 2018
  • Director of each of the Members : Dz, At, Be, Bg, Hr, Cz, Fr, Hu, Ma, Pl, Pt, Ro, Sk, Si, Tn, Tr
  • Observers from Acceding Members (none), HIRLAM and ECMWF

 Program Manager, full-time position, appointed by GA

  • Piet Termonia (Be), appointed in December 2010

 Policy Advisory Committee (PAC)

  • Chairperson : Daniel Gellens (Be), re-appointed in December 2019
  • Vice-Chairperson :Jure Celdinik (Si), appointed December 2019
  • 2 Meteo-France Members : Philippe Bougeault and Alain Joly (subst. Gwenaelle Hello)
  • 2 RC-LACE Members : Branka Ivancan-Picek (Hr) and Jure Celdinik (Si) (subst. Simona Tascu, Ro)
  • 2 Flat-Rate Members : Mohamed Mokhtari (Dz) and Maria Monteiro (Pt)
  • Observers : LACE Project Leader, Chairperson of HIRLAM Advisory Committee and Chairperson of CSSI

 ALADIN Local Teams Managers (LTM)

Country L.T.M. [deputized by ... for participation] mutilated E-mail (in a fight against spam)
Algeria Mr. Mohamed MOKHTARI
Austria Dr. Christoph WITTMANN
Belgium Dr. Alex DECKMYN
Bulgaria Mrs. Boryana TSENOVA
Croatia Mr. Antonio Stanesic
Czech Republic Dr. Radmila BROZKOVA
France Dr. Claude FISCHER
Hungary M. Gabriella SZEPSZO
Morocco Mr. Hassan HADDOUCH
Poland Mr. Bogdan BOCHENEK
Portugal Mrs. Maria MONTEIRO
Romania Mrs. Simona TASCU
Slovakia Mr. Jozef VIVODA [1]
Slovenia Mrs. Neva PRISTOV
Tunisia Mrs. Wafa KHALFAOUI
Turkey Mrs. Yelis CENGIS

 Committee for Scientific and System/maintenance Issues, System/maintenance and Scientific Coordinators (CSSI)

  • Chairperson (elected by GA, on proposal by PM and PAC) : Claude Fischer, re-elected in December 2016
  • Aladin Code Architect (CA) : Daan Degrauwe, assigned by GA in June 2016
  • Aladin Coordinator for Networking Activities (ACNA) : Maria Derkova, assigned by GA in March 2013
  • Aladin Data Assimilation (DA) coordinator: Maria Monteiro, assigned by GA in January 2018
  • Data assimilation : Claude Fischer
  • Dynamics and LBC coupling : Ludovic Auger
  • System aspects : Ryad El Khatib
  • Observations and Monitoring : Alena Trojakova
  • Physics : Daan Degrauwe
  • Predictability and LAM EPS : Clemens Wastl
  • Surface : Jean-Francois Mahfouf
  • Verification : Christoph Zingerle

 Support Team (ST)

  • Consortium level cooperation support (LACE): Martina Tudor (LACE Programme Manager)
  • Consortium level cooperation support (MF): Claude Fischer (Toulouse LTM)
  • Information officer: Maria Derkova
  • Administration and PM assistance: Patricia Pottier

n.b. 1 : The partition between CSSI (with the extra coordination of a Chairperson) and Support Team is sometimes rather arbitrary. The idea used below for "border cases" is that the chain of responsibility cannot loop twice and that hence structural (already existing for most of them) coordination responsibilities should not be formally subject to one more level of coordination.
Concerning its further evolution, the CSSI+ST composition is meant to be discussed at each ALADIN Workshop.

n.b. 2 : The role of the CSSI Chairperson is not hierarchical but of coordination, information exchange and representation, in agreement with the PM.

n.b. 3 : One untold rule in filling the full CSSI Members and Support Team position was to avoid potential ambiguities or conflicting responsibilities. Hence no PAC Members nor LACE Working Group Leaders (or equivalent) came in line for the above positions.

See also the Governance Map (AG, PAC, PM, CSSI, etc ... : who does what ?) : unchanged since MoU3.