High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Newsletter 41
Article published on 14 February 2012
last modification on 2 March 2012

by JAM, Patricia

2011 - Second semestre


Nobody, except he has tried it, knows what it is to be an editor. It is easy to scribble local ribbish, with the facts all before you, it is easy to clip selections from other papers, it is easy to tring out a correspondence from any locality; but it is unspeakable hardship to write editorials. Subjects are the trouble - the dreary lack of them, I mean. Every day, it is drag, drag, drag - think, and worry and suffer - allthe world is a dull blank, and yet the editorial columns must be filled. Only give the editor a subject, and his work is done - it is no trouble to write it up ...

Mark Twain "Roughing it"

National operational and R&D activitiesStatus about cycles and ARPEGE operations
Operational and other ALADIN activities in Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia in 2011 About cycles
PublicationsEvents and announcements
2011 stay reports Strategic workshop: Bruxelles 29-29/09/2011
Papers in NWP specialised international journals with a reviewing commitee 33rd EWGLAM & 18th SRNWP joined meetings, 10-13 October 2011 Tallinn, Estonia (Minutes of the LTM meeting)
Documentation 4th Bureau meeting, Ljubljana 24/10/2011
16th General Assembly of ALADIN Partners: Toulouse15-16/11/2011, WITH DRAFT MINUTES
22nd ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2012, 7-10/05/2012, Marrakech, Morocco
9th PAC meeting, Bratislava, 4-5 June, 2012