Export version of Cycle 33T1, July 1, 2008
Cycle 33T1, export version number 1, updated on July 1, 2008
Archives (contains source code, input files and some namelists) : located on cougar: marp001/pub/export/cy33t1
- export_main_CY33T1.tar.gz contains all sources from cycle CY33T1 (main)
- the archive export_CY33T1_bf.01.tar.gz contains all sources from a bugfix for cycle CY33T1 (bf.01 in our Toulouse local versioning). You need to add this incremental package ontop of the main, in order to have a sound and complete package.
- stuff_CY33T1_bf.01.tar.gz contains the following directories :
- namel/aladin/: namelists for ALADIN
- namel/alaro/: namelist for ALARO
- namel/arome/: namelists for AROME
- doc/: documention (modifications of CY33T1, technical memorandum of cycle CY33T1, dev_arome_forCY33T1, namelists settings for Aladin-France)
- the set of so-called "constant files" useful for Arpège/Aladin-France in 3D-VAR mode (especially, all relevant input files for observation parameters)
In addition, an HTML version of cy33t1 is available on cougar: /home/m/marp/marp001/pub/export/html/cy33t1.