High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Joint 22nd ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2012, 7-10/05/2012, Marrakech, Morocco
Article published on 13 May 2012
last modification on 7 December 2012

by Patricia

The DMN of Morocco hosted the 22nd ALADIN workshop / HIRLAM All-Staff Meeting 2012 on 7-10 May 2012 in the "Palais des congrès" in Marrakech (practical information) .
This workshop was followed by the HIRLAM MG & ALADIN CSSI meeting on Friday 11 (full day).

Agenda and list of participants

  • For Local Team managers (or their substitutes) and CSSI members :
    • LMT meeting on Thursday (minutes)
    • CSSI meeting on Thursday (preparation meeting to HMG/CSSI)
    • HMG/CSSI meeting on Friday (minutes)

On-line presentations of the workshop


A tentatively brilliant overview of cycles and objects 374.3 KiB / PDF

Agenda Wk 2012 131.8 KiB / PDF

ALADIN - Portuguese Technical and Scientific activities 1.3 MiB / PDF

ALADIN highlights 796.2 KiB / PDF

ALADIN Operational activities in Romania 1.9 MiB / PDF

ALADIN related activities at SHMI 3.7 MiB / PDF

ALARO-1: an overview 2.3 MiB / PDF

Assimilation of AEMET Radar Reflectivity Data in HARMONIE using the Field Alignment Technique 2.8 MiB / PDF

Assimilation of new radiosonde observations in Harmonie 8.1 MiB / PDF


Correction of phase errors 164.7 KiB / PDF

Coupling SURFEX/TEB to the high-resolution (4km) ALARO: Which benefits for a highly urbanized area, Belgium 11.4 MiB / PDF

DA : general discussion 36.6 KiB / PDF

Data assimilation at RC LACE 1.9 MiB / PDF

Data assimilation in ALADIN-MOROCCO : State of art 1.3 MiB / PDF

Data Assimilation over lakes: introduction and first results 5.6 MiB / PDF

Estimations of mean lake depth for boreal lakes 28 MiB / PDF

Evaluation of Harmonie Cy37h1 1.6 MiB / PDF

Evolution of the ARPEGE physics 3.3 MiB / PDF

Experiences and user requirements for HARMONIE 2.1 MiB / PDF

Flow-dependent data assimilation in HIRLAM/Harmonie 4.2 MiB / PDF

Fog and low clouds in HARMONIE/AROME. Validation and sensitivity studies 184.7 KiB / PDF

GLAMEPS setup and verification 1.3 MiB / PDF

Harmonie suite at KNMI and future plans 6 MiB / PDF

HIRLAM hightlights 2.5 MiB / PDF

HIRLAM lake experiences 7 MiB / PDF

HIRLAM-B Radiation Physics 2012 12.2 MiB / PDF

Improvements to the surface analysis in EURO4M project 1.4 MiB / PDF

LACE highlights 815.4 KiB / PDF

Latest developments around the LAMEPS in Hungary 1.3 MiB / PDF

Le Monde Physique de l’HARMONIE 5.2 MiB / PDF

MetCoOp - Swedish/Norwegian Operational Cooperation 351.6 KiB / PDF

Modelisation of the desert dust atmospheric cycle in ALADIN 893.7 KiB / PDF

MSG cloud mask initialisation in the Rapid Update Cycle of Hirlam 3.2 MiB / PDF

NWP activities in Croatia 1.7 MiB / PDF

NWP at the Hungarian Meteorological Service 2.2 MiB / PDF

On the uncertainty of verification measures by reference data 11.7 MiB / PDF

On the use of satellite radiances in ALADIN/HARMONIE 608.6 KiB / PDF

Operational NWP in Met Eireann 5.4 MiB / PDF

Optimization of CANARI 604.1 KiB / PDF

Plans for GLAMEPS, HarmonEPS and FROST-14 3 MiB / PDF

Poster CHMI 1.8 MiB / PDF

Poster Meteo-France 2.4 MiB / PDF

Poster Slovenia 919.6 KiB / PDF

Potential innovations for the ALADIN-dynamical core ? The future of the ALADIN dynamical core 489.7 KiB / PDF

Probabilistic forecasting of extreme air pollution peaks 251.1 KiB / PDF

Prognostic graupel and new cloud overlap scheme in ALARO 1.5 MiB / PDF

Progress and plans on Observations in MF 2.2 MiB / PDF

R&D status of ALADIN-LAEF 3.5 MiB / PDF

Recent advances in the SURFEX governance, scientific and technical aspects 1.8 MiB / PDF

Recent developments in AROME dynamics 364.8 KiB / PDF

Recent research on AROME-France data assimilation 2.1 MiB / PDF

Representation of deep convection in HARMONIE/AROME model 4.6 MiB / PDF

Seasonal variability of the structure function and their dependency on day/night variability, weather regime 3.2 MiB / PDF

Stabilizing high-resolution HARMONIE 2.3 MiB / PDF

Status and plans on AROME-France configuration (model part) 5.5 MiB / PDF

Status of multi-energy balance in SURFEX 1.6 MiB / PDF

Status of surface assimilation in HARMONIE 448.3 KiB / PDF

Status of the HIRLAM/HARMONIE reference systems 4.7 MiB / PDF

Status of the operational application in BULGARIA 96.7 KiB / PDF

System Working Group discussions 37.6 KiB / PDF

The Evolution of Dispersion Spectra in Blending cycle 1.1 MiB / PDF

The implementation of Boyd’s proposal in the HARMONIE system 905.1 KiB / PDF

The use of High-resolution winds in ALADIN/Hu 2.9 MiB / PDF

Using Jk in AROME 3DVAR, some initial test 341.2 KiB / PDF

Validation of Land Carbon products over the Netherlands 3.5 MiB / PDF

Variational ensemble data assimilation 968.1 KiB / PDF

Verification activities in ALADIN 1015.1 KiB / PDF

Verification methods 1.3 MiB / PDF

Verification of operational ALADIN-MAROC forecasts using MET package 221 KiB / PDF

Warping and balancing 234.4 KiB / PDF

Winter-time convection in Harmonie - a heavy snowfall case in Southern Finland 1.7 MiB / PDF