High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Regular 14th General Assembly of ALADIN Partners, Istanbul, 12-13 November 2009
Article published on 9 April 2010

by Patricia

 14th Regular General Assembly of ALADIN Partners, Istanbul, Turkey, 12-13 November 2009

GA14 : meeting room
GA14 : participants photo

 Agenda with on-line presentations

1. Welcome and opening of the meeting (14h on 12/11/09).

2. Adoption of the Agenda and of the Minutes of the 13th GA (GA Chair).

3. Report of the GA Chairman on the ‘Bureau meeting’, Brussels, 14/10/09.

4. Report of PAC Chairman (the PAC 5th Session took place in Paris, 29/5/09).

5. Programme Managers’ reports:

6. Classical matters’ for the past year:

7.Important issues for the planning; list to be updated if needed (ALADIN PM & CSSI Chair):

Special presentation: ALADIN at Turkish state Meteorological Service (Fatih Buyukkasabbasi)

8. ALADIN planning (PAC Chair, ALADIN PM & CSSI Chair):

  • b. Planning, if any, of a mid-term checking procedure during 2010 for the 4-year plan;

9.Membership and cooperation matters if any (GA Chair).

10.New ALADIN MoU (GA Chair and ALADIN PM):

  • a.Redaction committee;
  • b.Calendar;
  • c.Anticipated main changes with respect to the present MoU (refinements in the definition of the links with other bodies [HARMONIE, RC LACE, ECMWF, EUMETNET, SRNWP, …], discussions about human resources management, including some redefinition of the interactions between CSSI and LTMs; etc.).

11.Procedure for the choice of the next ALADIN PM (GA Chair):

  • a.ToRs and description of conditions of activity;
  • b.Calendar.

12.Budget matters (ALADIN PM):

  • a.Report about the ongoing execution of the 2009 budget;
  • b.Adoption of the 2010 budget;
  • c.Royalties-linked issues;
  • d.Potential problems for the flat-rate budget’s handling linked with the change of MoU.

13. Appointments of the GA Chairperson and (potentially) Vice-Chairperson (GA Chair).

14 A.O.B.

15.Date of the next General Assembly (and confirmation of the places for the next two General Assemblies).

16.Closing of the meeting

GA14 : 4-year-plan adopted 8.a 384.9 KiB / PDF

GA14 : ALADIN at Turkish state Meteorological Service 5 MiB / PDF

GA14 : CSSI specific matters 5.a 67.9 KiB / PDF

GA14 : HIRLAM aspects of the collaboration 5.b 102.7 KiB / PDF

GA14 : LAM-Climate 7.e 43.7 KiB / PDF

GA14 : LAMEPS 7.d 349.5 KiB / PDF

GA14 : Maintenance report 6.b 92 KiB / PDF

GA14 : manpower 6.c 533.3 KiB / PDF

GA14 : MF status and plans on Convergence 7.c 44.4 KiB / PDF

GA14 : MF status and plans on Fireworks 7.b 25.1 KiB / PDF

GA14 : Minutes 528.8 KiB / PDF

GA14 : operational report 6.a 271.4 KiB / PDF

GA14 : optimazing the planning process 8.d 93.9 KiB / PDF

GA14 : participants 102.4 KiB / PDF

GA14 : relevant outcomes of the RC-LACE council 5.c 545.4 KiB / PDF

GA14 : report of the bureau meeting 3. 317.8 KiB / PDF

GA14 : system 7.a 22.5 KiB / PDF

GA14 : transversal isues 5.d 69.2 KiB / PDF

GA14 : update about Convergence 7.c 122.9 KiB / PDF

GA14 : update about Convergence 7.c 136 KiB / PowerPoint