High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
SMOSREX forcing and validation data
Years 2005-2006-2007
Article published on 18 August 2009

by JFM

Details about file contents

Soil temperature files contain :

  • Date (ddmmyyyy)
  • Time (UTC)
  • Julian day
  • Soil temperature at -1 cm
  • Soil temperature at -5 cm
  • Soil temperature at -20 cm
  • Soil temperature at -50 cm
  • Soil temperature at -90 cm
  • Air temperature at +2 m

Deep soil moisture file contains :

  • Date (ddmmyyyy)
  • Time (UTC)
  • Julian day
  • Average soil moisture (m3/m3) at -10 cm
  • Average soil moisture (m3/m3) at -20 cm
  • Average soil moisture (m3/m3) at -30 cm
  • Average soil moisture (m3/m3) at -40 cm
  • Average soil moisture (m3/m3) at -50 cm
  • Average soil moisture (m3/m3) at -60 cm
  • Average soil moisture (m3/m3) at -70 cm
  • Average soil moisture (m3/m3) at -80 cm
  • Average soil moisture (m3/m3) at -90 cm

Superficial moisture file contains :

  • Date (ddmmyyyy)
  • Time (UTC)
  • Julian day
  • Average soil moisture (m3/m3) over the 0 - 0.06 m layer

LAIsimule_smosrex_2005-2007 121.5 KiB / Zip

MVSOIL1_2005-2007 632.7 KiB / Zip

TSOL_FA_2006 246.4 KiB / Zip

TSOL_FA_2007 241.2 KiB / Zip

WG_2005-2007 226.7 KiB / Zip