A first draft of the MoU for the single consortium was produced by the convergence Working Group as it was tasked during the latest joint ALADIN General Assembly/HIRLAM Council in Zagreb. This document has been scrutinized by the ALADIN PAC and the HIRLAM HAC during their joint meeting on 14 May 2019 in Norrköping.
Additionally, Météo-France made a proposal for a new type of membership for Associate Members.
Both the draft MoU and the proposal for Associate Members were discussed during the HIRLAM Council on 28 June in Lisbon. Since there was no extra General Assembly meeting planned at this time of the year, the ALADIN GA members were invited to provide their comments :
- by E-mail: the convergence Working Group can then digest the written reactions and present them during the HIRLAM Council meeting.
- by joining the HIRLAM Council for this item on their agenda.
The minutes of this discussion during the Lisbon meeting will be distributed to both ALADIN and HIRLAM Assemblies.