High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Working Weeks under MoU4&5
Article published on 30 January 2015
last modification on 27 May 2020

by Patricia

Since MoU4, the ALADIN budget is used for working weeks (organisation and attendance funding) and, after the GA gave its approval in 2013, to send ALADIN people also to HIRLAM WW. Below is the list of these WWs, with links to reports or outcomes when available.

 Code training


 Data Assimilation

 Surface Working Weeks & SURFEX Workings Weeks/Users Workshops

 HARMONIE System Working Weeks

 Forecasters meeting

  Working Weeks on EPS and predictability, on Verification, on Radiation, ... [1]

 ALARO Working Days

Report: HARMONIE System WW, Bratislava, 2014 203.5 KiB / PDF

Verification WW Lisbon 2013 : report 80.3 KiB / PDF