High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Joint ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletters
Article published on 31 January 2018
last modification on 8 February 2021

by Patricia

During the HMG/CSSI meeting in April 2013, ALADIN and HIRLAM consortia decided to join their effort and produce a common newsletter, twice a year.

NewsletterEditoClick on the picture to download the NL
N°16, published on 8 February 2021 Enjoy the 16th and last joint ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter ! This last edition of the ALADIN-HIRLAM NewsLetter offers a last Tour of ALADIN and HIRLAM activities (national and project reports) in 2020 that ends with a look back at 30 year working together in ALADIN, and in a close and more formalised collaboration with HIRLAM during the last 3 years. Furthermore, AEMET colleagues, Inger-Lise Frogner and Jeanette Onvlee share with us some memories of Antonio Garcia-Moya after his shocking passing in December. We also introduce a special issue of the (French) journal “La Météorologie†that is dedicated to Jean-François Geleyn, after the symposium held in February last year to pay a tribute to the scientific career of Jean-François. We announce two new Doctors from Casablanca. Congratulations ! Last but not least, a summary list of upcoming events, planned for 2021, is available.
N°15, published on 23 June 2020 Enjoy the 15th joint ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter ! This 2020 summer edition of the ALADIN-HIRLAM NewsLetter looks back at the last (very unusual) “30th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2020†. Furthermore, we introduce some articles recently published, a new Doctor from Bratislava and the usual list of upcoming events.
N°14, published on 29/01/2020 Welcome to the combined 14th edition Newsletter of the HIRLAM and ALADIN consortia.
This first 2020 edition is a big Tour d’ALADIN & HIRLAM, as it was prepared for our Directors at their last meeting in Istanbul (Turkey) on December 16-17, 2020.
We hope you enjoy reading the fourteenth ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter. Thanks to all authors for their contributions.
Patricia and Frank
N°13, published on 23/08/2019 Welcome to the combined 13th edition Newsletter of the HIRLAM and ALADIN consortia. This summer edition is mainly dedicated to the “29th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2019†. We hope you enjoy reading the eleventh ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter. Thanks all authors for their contributions and hand it off first to the PMs for the Edito. Patricia and Frank
N°12, published on 31/01/2019 Welcome to the combined 12th edition Newsletter of the HIRLAM and ALADIN consortia.
This first 2019 edition is a big Tour d’ALADIN & HIRLAM, as it was prepared for our Directors at their last meeting in Zagreb (Croatia) on November 19-20, 2018.
We hope you enjoy reading the twelfth ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter. Thanks to all authors for their contributions.
Patricia and Frank
N°11, published on 21/08/2018 Welcome to the combined 11th edition Newsletter of the ALADIN and HIRLAM consortia. This summer 2018 edition is mainly dedicated to the “28th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2018†. We hope you enjoy reading the eleventh ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter. Once again, thanks all authors for their contributions and hand it off first to the PMs for the Edito. Patricia and Frank
N°10, published on 31/01/2018 Welcome to the combined 10th edition Newsletter of the HIRLAM and ALADIN consortia.
This first 2018 edition is a big Tour d’ALADIN & HIRLAM, as it was prepared for our Directors at their last meeting in the Polish NMS premises in Krakow (Poland) on November 21-22, 2017.
We hope you enjoy reading the tenth ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter. Thanks to all authors for their contributions.
Patricia and Frank
N°9, published on 07/09/2017 Welcome to the combined 9th edition Newsletter of the HIRLAM and ALADIN consortia.
This summer 2017 edition is supposed to be mainly dedicated to the “27th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2017†that took place on 3-6 April 2017 in Helsinki (Finland).
We like to thank all those that contributed to this Newsletter with their articles. However, not so many articles were received. Therefore, we have added the full list of talks and posters with a (direct) link to the pdf of the presentations. Please be reminded that the sessions have been recorded and can be viewed on youtube.
Furthermore a special focus is proposed on 2 specific articles: AROME for nowcasting (AROME-NWC) ; Tuning the implementation of the radiation scheme ACRANEB2.
The editorial recalls the (already long) ALADIN-HIRLAM story and presents the convergence roadmap.
We hope you enjoy reading the ninth ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter. Thanks for all authors for their contributions".
Patricia and Frank
N°8, published on 31/01/2017 I am happy to provide you with the 8th edition of the combined Newsletter of the HIRLAM and ALADIN consortia.
This edition is mainly dedicated to a “grand Tour of ALADIN and HIRLAM†, with contributions describing the main achievements at our meteorological services in 2016.
Besides these scientific and technical articles, you will find in this Newsletter an “summary report of a “recent workshop on a relevant subject to our community where a few of us have been involved†and an overview of the 46 LAM operational configurations running at the ALADIN and HIRLAM NMSs.
I hope you enjoy reading the eighth ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter and thank the authors and specially Philippe Bougeault for his editorial around the recent signature of the ALADIN-HIRLAM cooperation agreement.
N°7, published on 01/09/2016 I am happy to provide you with the seventh edition of the combined Newsletter of the HIRLAM and ALADIN consortia.
This 7th edition is dedicated to the 26th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2016 that took place on 4-8 April 2016 in Lisbon (Portugal), with additional several articles : a special focus on the recent Doctors and on some articles recently published. In Lisbon, ALADIN celebrated its 25th Anniversary, thus it is the opportunity to think back and share some ALADIN stories.
I hope you enjoy reading the seventh ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter and thank the authors for their contributions.
ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 7
N°6, published on 18/02/2016 I am happy to provide you with the sixth edition of the combined Newsletter of the HIRLAM and ALADIN consortia.
This edition is mainly dedicated to a “Tour d’ALADIN et d’HIRLAM†, with contributions describing the main achievements at our meteorological services in 2015.
Besides these scientific and technical articles, you will find in this Newsletter an Interview and an overview of operational configurations. The ALADIN and HIRLAM Programme Managers also give some updates on the last important news at the consortia level. The new ALADIN and HIRLAM organisational charts are also provided, after the signing of the 5th ALADIN MoU and the HIRLAM-C MoU.
Information about new regular group video meetings has also been included in the list of events planned for 2016. The “Publications†page will be back in the seventh edition of the Newsletter.
I hope you enjoy reading the sixth ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter and thank the authors for their contributions.
ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 6
N°5, published on 31-08-2015 I am glad to provide you with the fifth edition of the combined Newsletter of the HIRLAM and ALADIN consortia. This edition is mainly dedicated to the “25th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM All Staff Meeting 2015†that took place on 13-16 April 2015 in Elsinore (Denmark), with additional several articles based on other work.
90 people from 23 countries gave more than 50 presentations and presented about 35 posters. Some working groups and many side meetings also took place during the week. The ALADIN Local Team Managers held their 18th meeting (the first one ever where all ALADIN partners were represented). The ALADIN CSSI and the HIRLAM Management Group had their annual coordination meeting on Friday 17, at the Danish Met Institute premises in Copenhagen.
Please consult the dedicated webpage on the aladin website for the agenda, the list of participants, the pdf files of the presentations and posters, the minutes of the discussions and working groups, some photos.
The videos of the presentations are also available, on a protected part of the aladin website : please use the "log in" buttom, at the top left under the horizontal menu on the aladin home page. Once identified, you have access to the "Partners only" part of the aladin website, including the videos. If you need the user/password to log in, just ask me !
A new part about “Publications†has tentatively been added in this newsletter, with the aim to announce or comment papers published in NWP specialised international journals. As this is the first time such a list is included in the Newsletter, the information used for it is likely still incomplete; hopefully, it will be better the next time.
I thank the authors for their contributions and hope you enjoy reading the fifth ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter.
ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 5
N°4, published on 27-02-2015 The forth edition of the combined Newsletter of the HIRLAM and ALADIN consortia is dedicated to a “Tour d’ALADIN & d’HIRLAM†, with contributions describing main achievements at our meteorological institutes in 2014. Finally a list of events that are planned for 2015 is added.
At the consortium level, 2014 saw the first joint meeting of the ALADIN General Assembly and the HIRLAM Council (Reading, 2nd of December) where a joint declaration was unanimously adopted by the Directors. It stresses the ALADIN/HIRLAM commitment to work together with the aim of forming one single consortium by the end of the 2016-2020 MoUs.
At this turning point for our consortia, we lost the one who started the merge between the ALADIN and the HIRLAM consortia, Jean-François Geleyn (see Piet Termonia’s tribute). Jean-François created ALADIN in 1991. He acted as ALADIN Program Manager, the main executive officer of the ALADIN Consortium, years before this position was officially defined in the ALADIN Memorandum of Understanding. Until 2010, he led the life of the ALADIN consortium.
On 8 January 2015, the ALADIN community lost its icon and beacon.

I thank the authors for their contributions and hope you enjoy the forth ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter ... and bear with me as it is the first combined Newsletter I did on my own. After 7 years as HIRLAM scientific secretary, Tilly said goodbye to us last December to join a new position at CGI in Rotterdam.
ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 4
N°3, published on 26-09-2014 The third edition of the combined Newsletter of the HIRLAM and ALADIN consortium is dedicated to the joint ALADIN/ HIRLAM Workshop/All Staff Meeting (ASM) that took place on 7-11 April 2014 in Bucharest, hosted by the National Meteorological Administration of Romania. Thanks to the contributors and enjoy reading !
ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 3
N°2, published on 22-04-2014 We are happy to provide you with the second edition of the combined Newsletter of the HIRLAM and ALADIN consortium. This edition contains of a number of contributions focussing on deeply convective events, and one on erroneously simulated fog at sea in Harmonie. Furthermore you can find national contributions describing main achievements at several meteorological institutes, as well as an extended summary of a PhD thesis by Vanja Blažica focussing on divergence in limited area models. Finally a list of events that are planned for 2014 is added.
We hope you enjoy the second ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter! For additional information please visit the ALADIN and HIRLAM websites, or just ask the authors.
ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 2
N°1, published on 27-09-2013 This is the first edition of the combined Newsletter of the ALADIN and HIRLAM consortia. We decided to join forces because the researchers from both consortia are working closer and closer together. Furthermore, the number of contributions is continuously decreasing because we publish increasingly in peer reviewed literature.
This Newsletter is mainly devoted to presentations made by ALADIN and HIRLAM staff in the joint ALADIN/ HIRLAM Workshop/All Staff Meeting (ASM) that took place on 15-19 April 2013 in Reykjavik, hosted by the Icelandic Meteorological Organisation ...
ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 1

Please, do use the proposed templates when preparing the contributions . From NL15, new template for googledocs

ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter 14 70.4 MiB / PDF

ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter 15 29.6 MiB / PDF

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ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 1 8.8 MiB / PDF

ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 11 75.6 MiB / PDF

ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 12 56.5 MiB / PDF

ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 13 22.1 MiB / PDF

ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 2 6.3 MiB / PDF

ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 3 9.4 MiB / PDF

ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 4 13.6 MiB / PDF

ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 5 27.7 MiB / PDF

ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 6 45 MiB / PDF

ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 7 55.2 MiB / PDF

ALADIN-HIRLAM Newsletter : number 8 59.6 MiB / PDF

Templates for NL (.doc .odt .tex) 318.6 KiB / Zip