The participants to this Assembly attended some lectures on :
- the history, the current status and the prospect for ALADIN-LACE application,
- presentation of the status of the new telecommunication network RMDCN,
- and on scientific topics :
- high-resolution dynamics,
- how to trigger and harmonize ALADIN-based applications,
- data assimilation.
Discussions were mainly about :
- assessment of the 1998 scientific program,
- draft ECMWF/Météo-France agreement for the IFS/ARPEGE/ALADIN software protection,
- amendments to ALADIN Memorandum of Understanding ,
- technical overview of the project at the end of 1998 and 1999 perspective,
- the scientific plan and its implications ( Second medium-term (1999-2001) research plan for ALADIN).
Discussions about maintenance and training problems were delayed to the next Assembly.
Other topics (code maintenance, closer co-ordination for applications, ...) were addressed but without getting to a conclusion.
For the coming year, a 3-headed team has been created to initiate and co-ordinate the exchanges, collect proposals and prepare the discussions for the next Assembly of partners.
In the future, a strict rule will be followed to count each country’s participation in the project: those who have not answered during the 3-months’ delay will get a 0-contribution; one official focal point per Partner will be intrusted; a request will be sent soon to every Directors. Statistics of ALADIN participation will not only be drawn up for Toulouse part, Deported part and Total part of the ALADIN project but also for the LACE part in Praha. All these new rules are part of the amendments of the Memorandum of Understanding voted during this Assembly.
Please consult the Minutes of the 3rd Assembly for more details.