2009 : Preparatory documents for Arpège/IFS coordination meetings
- OOPS meeting at ECMWF of November 18, 2009
- OOPS: Object-Oriented Prediction System / Restructuring the IFS by Yannick Trémolet
- Do we need full object-oriented features? by Mike Fisher
- Practical lessons learned from implementing an Object-Oriented toy system by Deborah Salmond and Anne Fouilloux
- From IFS to OOPS" by Yannick Trémolet
- Afternoon Discussions (list of topics) by Yannick Trémolet
- Selected and personal slides by C. Fischer for a presentation of OOPS to MF and partners
- Meeting of June 25, 2009
- Documentation of a new diagnostic dataflow for DDH, by Olivier Riviere (GMAP/COOPE), 25 mars 2009
- Proposal cleanings in ARPEGE/IFS in 2009-2010, by Karim YESSAD, 3 June 2009
- New presentation for routine POS, by Karim YESSAD, 24 March 2009
- Switching towards TFL version of SUGAW everywhere, by Karim YESSAD, 13 May 2009
- New presentation for OBSHOR observation interpolator, by Karim YESSAD, 2 April 2009