After the first contact of the Hirlam Management Group in autumn 2003, many ALADIN-HIRLAM mesoscale collaboration events took place in 2004 : training course, granted licence for research, full code cooperation ...
During the 9th Assembly of ALADIN Partners (Split, 29-30 0ctober 2004), an (…)
The fourth meeting of the Expert Team on surface processes took place one day after the 3rd lake workshop and was kindly hosted at FMI thanks to Laura Rontu and Ekatarina Kurzeneva. Each consortium had at least one representative. This has allowed a rather comprehensive review of the activities (…)
The third meeting of the Expert Team on surface processes took place one day before the ECMWF Annual Seminar and was kindly hosted at ECMWF thanks to Patricia de Rosnay and Gianpaolo Balsamo. Each consortium had at least one representative. This has allowed a rather comprehensive review of the (…)
ALADIN is a consortium of the European SRNWP Network
SRNWP Consortia in Europe in 2020 Informations about the other consortia could be found on SRNWP webpages or on the websites of each consortium : COSMO, UKMO, SEECOP HIRLAM : ALADIN had a research cooperation with HIRLAM (…)