High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Observational DataBase (ODB)
Article published on 18 December 2013
last modification on 25 September 2018

by Patricia

ODB & OBSTAT documentation from MF, 2018

LINK to the documentation prepared by Dominique Puech. This documentation is automatically updated when there are changes in ODB. Most of the pages are in French.

ODB documentation from ECMWF, 2013

The ODB documentation is also available on the intranet of ECMWF (please contact Peter Lean). The above documents were prepared by Anne Fouilloux (March 2013).

Older presentation or tutorial prepared by Anne Fouilloux (ECMWF):

ODB Tutorial 5.7 MiB / GZ

ODB/SQL tutorial (March 2013) 187.4 KiB / Zip

visualisation part 157.9 KiB / Zip