High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Joint 19th ALADIN Workshop & HIRLAM ASM 2009, Utrecht, 12-15 May 2009
Article published on 15 May 2009
last modification on 7 April 2011

by Patricia

The next joined ALADIN Workshop (19th) and HIRLAM All Staff Meeting (2009) will take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands on May 12-15, 2009.
The meeting is scheduled to start on Tuesday morning 12 May around 9h, and end on Friday 15 May around noon. As was the case in previous years, there will be a largely common program, based on joint thematic sessions (hopefully fully plenary, this time). In addition, a meeting of the HIRLAM Management Group and the ALADIN CSSI will take place to discuss common plans and activities, on Monday11 May and on Friday afternoon 15 May to wrap up any remaining matters.

Those of you who wish to attend, are requested to fill in the registration form and send it by email to Jeanette Onvlee (for HIRLAM participants) or Patricia Pottier (ALADIN participants) before 1 April.

The local organizers have set up a web site which contains practical information on the venue of the meeting and on local accommodation: Later on, more information will be added on e.g. the programme setup, how to reach the various locations, etc.

Program and list of participants (updated on May 14, 2009)

On-line presentations during the ALADIN workshop

For most people, plenary sessions are appreciated as they allow a maximum people to attend the whole meeting. One disadvantage is the difficulty to have a strong interactive discussion, both by lack of time and too big groups.
For the next workshop/all staff meeting, we will propose to shorten a little the sessions and allow 2 or 3 hours for split groups to have parallel working group discussions. Thus, during the last morning, the reporting back on outcome of each session will both summarize the session and its corresponding working group discussion (the duration of each reporting back remaining unchanged).


A case study: why did two Hirlam versions differ by 20 hPa in the snow storm case in November 7.5 MiB / PDF

ALADIN 08/09 achievements, problems & outlook 519.3 KiB / PDF

ALADIN in Portugal 529.3 KiB / PDF

ALADIN in Romania 2 MiB / PDF


ALADIN related activities in SLOVENIA - 2009 575.8 KiB / PDF

ALADINClimate: latest achievements at the Hungarian Meteorological Service 1.4 MiB / PDF

Annual review of operational HIRLAM forecasts; HIRLAM common monitoring and model intercomparison interface 3.5 MiB / PDF

Application of FLake for the prediction of ice thickness for inland waters in the Netherlands 215.9 KiB / PDF

Assimilation of the IASI data in the HARMONIE data assimilation system 4.5 MiB / PDF

BlendVar – an assimilation system at ALADIN/CE 1.5 MiB / PDF

Calibration of ALADIN EPS precipitation forecasts 5.9 MiB / PDF

CAPE Singular vectors 2.6 MiB / PDF

CHAPEAU – Common Hirlam-Aladin Package for Education and other Academic Use 369.5 KiB / PDF

Configurating GLAMEPS : Prelim inary results from experim ents 7.3 MiB / PDF

Data assimilation in AROME: Present status and ongoing work 3.3 MiB / PDF

Data assimilation in Croatia 1.2 MiB / PDF


ETKF rescaling scheme for HIRLAM : Application to Ensemble Forecasting 541.7 KiB / PDF

EuroTEPS contribution to GLAMEPS 1.5 MiB / PDF

Experience with a strong outflow case in HARM O NIE 1.3 MiB / PDF

FA files, Pinuts, status of MERCATOR rotated tilted 2.1 MiB / PDF

Highlights of RC LACE actions 2008/2009 737.3 KiB / PDF

Highlights of recent HIRLAM activities 941.1 KiB / PDF

HIRLAM and the SRNWP Interoperability Programme 115.9 KiB / PDF

HIRLAM coupled to the wave model WAM. Verification and improvements in forecast skill 6.3 MiB / PDF

HIRLAM web site redesign 910.1 KiB / PDF

Impact of GPS ZTD observations in HIRLAM 3D-Var analyses and forecasts 396.5 KiB / PDF

Implementation of the 1D+3DVar assimilation of radar reflectivities in the AROME model at Météo-France 3 MiB / PDF

Last operational changes and perspectives for ARPEGE/ALADIN 3.1 MiB / PDF

Lateral mixing in shallow convection: In theory and in practice 1.5 MiB / PDF

Limitations of ’column physics’ for radiation computations in atmospheric models 1.8 MiB / PDF

New aladin website 3.4 MiB / PDF

New interpolation formula in stable situation for the calculation of diagnostic fields at measurement height 346.5 KiB / PDF

New SL(HD) interpolators 751.8 KiB / PDF

Nightly build and daily runs. The HARMONIE testbed 727.2 KiB / PDF

NWP in Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service 1.3 MiB / PDF

Overview of AROME status and plans 6.1 MiB / PDF

Profiling Arpege, Aladin and Arome … and Alaro ! 349 KiB / PDF

Program and list of participants 126 KiB / PDF

Recent data assimilation activities at the Hungarian Meteorological Service 940.3 KiB / PDF

Registration form 126.2 KiB / PDF

Report on HARMONIE/ALADIN surface assimilation working days, NetFAM workshop 1.9 MiB / PDF

Reporting back on outcome of HMG-CSSI meeting 29.6 KiB / PDF

Reporting back on outcome of session 1 : Data assimilation 27.6 KiB / PDF

Reporting back on outcome of session 2 : Probabilistic forecasting and LAMEPS 80.9 KiB / PDF

Reporting back on outcome of session 3 : Performance aspects and model physics 70.1 KiB / PDF

Reporting back on outcome of session 4 : Dynamics 65.7 KiB / PDF

Reporting back on outcome of session 5 : System 123.1 KiB / PDF

Reporting back on side meeting on websites 29.6 KiB / PDF

Research on VFE in HIRLAM 679.4 KiB / PDF

Revitalization of gaseous transmission functions in ACRANEB radiation scheme utilizing RRTM database 10.1 MiB / PDF

Roughness length and displacement height dependent on stability: single column experiments 534.5 KiB / PDF

Simplified physics in Arpège/Aladin 6.4 MiB / PDF

SMHI HARMONIE data assimilation using local observations 2.2 MiB / PDF

Some issues about the lateral boundaries Quo vadis LBC’s? 4.8 MiB / PDF

SST and sea ice in HIRLAM and HARMONIE 3.1 MiB / PDF

Status of ALADIN-LAEF : Impact of Clustering on Initial Perturbations of ALADIN-LAEF 1.6 MiB / PDF

Status of SREPS at AEMET 854.1 KiB / PDF

Status of SURFEX in ALADIN 1.9 MiB / PDF

The ETKF rescaling scheme in HIRLAM 1.8 MiB / PDF

The impact of cloud condensation nucleus concentration on clouds and precipitation in Hirlam 4.3 MiB / PDF


The Short Range Numerical Weather Prediction Network of EUMETNET: a status report 1.8 MiB / PDF

Towards a common framework for (i) extensions of the Louis formalism, (ii) the RANS aspect of the QNSE theory and (iii) the class of ’No Ri(cr)’ Reynolds-type prognostic TKE schemes? 438.3 KiB / PDF

Towards the operational use of radar radial wind observations in HIRLAM 1.7 MiB / PDF

Validation of 2-meters temperature forecast at cold observed conditions by different NWP models 1.8 MiB / PDF

Variable Mercator Map Factor at the HARMONIE Model 1.2 MiB / PDF

Verification of a set of GLAMEPS ensemble experiments 4.4 MiB / PDF

Verification of high-resolution precipitation forecasts by using the SAL method 1 MiB / PDF

Verification of Hirlam/Aladin cloud forecasts with MSG cloud physical products-doc1265 4.8 MiB / PDF

Verification of wind gust forecasts 1.3 MiB / PDF