High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Third MoU : 2005 & 2006 & 2008 versions
Article published on 18 November 2008
last modification on 21 November 2013

by Patricia

The third ALADIN Memorandum of Understanding was signed on October 21st, 2005 during the 10th ALADIN Assembly in Bratislava. It is valid for at least 5 years after signature .

An amended version was signed during the Extraordinary General Assembly (Brussels, Feb 2006) : it defines more precisely the relationships between governing bodies with a proposed way of circulating information, request and decision between GA, PAC, PM and Directors on one hand, in consistency with HIRLAM and with ECMWF.

A third signing in nearly identical terms, but at 16 Partners, of a new version of the ALADIN MoU3 took place during the 13th General Assembly. The only differences with respect to the 2nd version (2006) are fourfold: number and explicit names of Partners; provision for not extending the duration of the MoU3 at the occasion of its present new signing; footnote added on request of Turkey and following the decision of the Budapest General Assembly two years ago; an updated Table of cumulated manpower participations, allowing inter alii the Turkish contribution during the Acceding Membership phase to appear.

The 3rd MoU defines :

  • the purposes and objectives agreed by the Parties for ALADIN cooperation
  • the condition of membership, the rights and obligations of the members
  • the governance and the management : General Assembly (with its Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson), Program Manager, Policy Advisory Committee, ALADIN Local Teams Managers, Program Team, Committee for Scientific and System/maintenance Issues, System/maintenance and Scientific Coordinators, Support Team
  • the co-operations
  • the resources : manpower and ALADIN Annual Budget
  • the information exchange within the Members and towards users
  • ownership and property rights
  • the conditions for access to and implementation to the ALADIN system
  • ownership, availability and commercialization of ALADIN products
  • ...

Versions :

3rd MoU : October 21, 2005 130.7 KiB / PDF