High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
2020 Joint LACE Data Assimilation & DAsKIT Working Days, video-conference, 14-16 September 2020
Article published on 28 October 2020
last modification on 29 October 2020

by Patricia

The 2020 DAsKIT Working Days will be joint together with the LACE DAWD during 14-16 September 2020.

Due to the actual public health constraints, the meeting will be organized by video-conf (S4B Skype for Business platform).

 Agenda and list of participants


  • National presentations :
  • Invited talks
    • Status of HIRLAM upper-air DA activities (R. Randriamampianina)
    • Status of OPLACE (A. Trojáková): presentation
  • Specific talks
    • Impact of the variational assimilation of ground-based GNSS zenith total delay into AROME-Morocco model (Fatima Hdidou): presentation
    • VarBC spin up and assimilation of Slovenian GNSS ZTD observations (B. Strajnar): presentation
    • Improving heavy rainfall forecasts by assimilating surface precipitation in the convect-ive scale model AROME: A case study of the Mediterranean event of November 4, 2017 (Zahra Sahlaoui): presentation
  • Session on upper-air data assimilation: radar data assimilation
    • ALARO tests of radar observation operator (A. Trojákova): presentation
    • Processing of radar reflectivities in screening (A. BuÄ Ã¡nek): presentation
    • Assimilation of radial winds from radars (K. ÄŒatloÅ¡ová) : presentation
    • Comparison of Mode-S EHS vs. MRAR (K. ÄŒatloÅ¡ová): presentation
    • Investigation of the effect of Hungarian and Czech MODE-S dataset during data assimilation (K. Szanyi): presentation
    • Update on AROME-RUC (ZAMG) (F. Meier): presentation
    • SURFEX/SODA activities at ZAMG (S. Schneider, J. Vura) : presentation
    • SEKF Surface data assimilation experiments with cy40 AROME-SURFEX model (H. Tóth and B. Szintai): presentation
  • Practical session
    • OBSMON adaptation and re-compilation to read local ODB data files (I. Dehmous): presentation
    • BATOR adaptation to read SAPP BUFR SYNOP data (Y. Cengiz): presentation
  • Session on surface data assimilation
    • SURFEX/SODA activities at ZAMG (S. Schneider, J. Vura): presentation
    • SEKF Surface data assimilation experiments with cy40 AROME-SURFEX model (H. Tóth and B. Szintai) : presentation
  • Final discussion
    • LACE DAWD & DAsKIT – Summary of discussions (B. Strajnar & M. Monteiro) : presentation
    • DAsKIT plans for 2021: presentation

 Summary report

  • Summary report of the 2020 Joint LACE Data Assimilation & DAsKIT Working Days, video-conference, 14-16 September : summary report

2020_dawd_shmustatus.pdf 2.3 MiB / PDF

abucanek_radar_2020.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

assimilationradialwinds_dawd2020_kcatlosova_shmu.pdf 2.4 MiB / PDF

atoplace_dawd2020.pdf 3.2 MiB / PDF

at_alaroradaroo.pdf 3.6 MiB / PDF

bulgaria1.pdf 1.5 MiB / PDF

czstatus-3.pdf 9 MiB / PDF

da-austria-2020.pdf 1.6 MiB / PDF

da-austria2020ruc.pdf 10.8 MiB / PDF

da-croatia-2020.pdf 5.4 MiB / PDF

daskit2020_obsmon_exercise_update.pdf 42 KiB / PDF

daskit_2020_belgium.pdf 1.7 MiB / PDF

daskit_2020_morocco_status.pdf 1 MiB / PDF

daskit_2020_september_turkey_status.pdf 105.1 KiB / PDF

daskit_2021_plans.pdf 67 KiB / PDF

daskit_steps_to_read_sapp_v2.pdf 93.4 KiB / PDF

dastatus_hungary_2020.pdf 2.3 MiB / PDF

dawd_20200915_helgatoth-2.pdf 3 MiB / PDF

dawd_20200915_helgatoth.pdf 3 MiB / PDF

dawd_daskit_2020_report_final.pdf 81.9 KiB / PDF

dawd_daskit_2020_summary_of_discussions.pdf 721.6 KiB / PDF

ehsvsmrarcomparison_dawd2020_kcatlosova_shmu.pdf 804.6 KiB / PDF

hungary_omsz_mode-s_presentation__dawd.pdf 1 MiB / PDF

moroccan_gnss_2020.pdf 971.8 KiB / PDF

poland_daskit-14092020-status.pdf 37 KiB / PDF

sahlaoui_assimrain.pdf 4.5 MiB / PDF

sekf_at_zamg-2.pdf 3.7 MiB / PDF

sekf_at_zamg.pdf 3.7 MiB / PDF

status_slovenia_2020.pdf 3 MiB / PDF

strajnar_slovenian_gnss_2020.pdf 2 MiB / PDF

tunisia_daskit_september2020.pdf 3.7 MiB / PDF

Agenda and list of participants 189.2 KiB / PDF