The 14th ALADIN Workshop was held from June 1 to June 4 at the Congress Center in Innsbruck. Diverse presentations were given about several aspects of the model including data assimilation, dynamics, physics, coupling, as well as problems in application and operational forecasting. Special focus was also put on the most recent developments for ALADIN2/AROME.
Additionally different working groups were organized on the following topics: predictability/LAM EPS, AROME and ALARO-10 km prototypes, physics-dynamics interface, data assimilation, physics
Discussions around a proposal for a new European Research Training Network took place during the workshop.
The agenda
The participants
The sessions, working groups, posters with link to the documents of the presentations (click on the title)
- Dominique Giard: Aladin-2 organization and workplan
- Gwenaëlle Hello: Alaro-10 - Current status
- Valéry Masson: Externalized surface schemes in AROME
- Yann Seity: First results with AROME prototype (2.5 km)
- Alex Deckmyn: Wavelet representation of Background Error Covariances
- Steluta Alexandru: Further case studies using the 3d-Var scheme for the ALADIN/HU-Model
- Roger Randriamampianina: Advances in the use of observations in the ALADIN/HU 3d-var system
- Oldrich Å paniel: New HPC system at SHMI
- Andrey Bogatchev: Experiments with running ALADIN on LINUX PC, using different FORTRAN compilers
- Martina Tudor: Physics Dynamics Interface
- Piet Termonia: Stability and accuracy of the physics dynamics interface
- Filip Vána: Semi-Lagrangian horizontal diffusion scheme
- Yves Bouteloup: Developments in large scale physics
- Doina Banciu / Eric Bazile: Moist physics response to the modification of temperature and humidity initial profile
- Bent Hansen Sass: Parametrization of the surface stress direction
- J.F Geleyn / N. Pristov / G. Hello: Update on the proposal for a new concept of radiative computations for NWP
- Jean-François Geleyn: The general problem of moist processes in ALADIN-2
- Luc Gerard: An integrated approach of microphysics and convection at high resolution
- Bart Catry : Testing the new ACDRAG scheme in the ALPIA environment
- Thomas Haiden: On the choice of a suitable cloudiness parameterization
- Franz Wimmer: The effect of a non-envelope topography on deep convection
- Edit Hágel / Gabriella Szépszó: First LAMEPS experiments at the Hungarian Meteorological Service
- Martin Ehrendorfer: Mesoscale atmospheric predictability
- Jean Nicolau:Short range ensemble forecasting at Météo-France
- Sander Tijm: Short range ensemble forecasting in HIRLAM
- Jure Cedilnik: Use of ALADIN for dynamical downscaling of precipitation
- Bodo Ahrens / Alexander Beck: Dynamical downscaling with ALADIN
- Yong Wang: How well are mesoscale structures captured by the MAP reanalysis?
- Stjepan Ivatek-Sahdan: MAP Re-Analysis with IFS/ARPEGE/ALADIN
- Gergely Bölöni : Dynamical downscaling of ERA40 at HMS
- Dominique Giard: Support to Aladin2-Networking
- Dominique Giard: Research training networks in the EC
- Dijana Klaric : RC LACE project / report
- Ryad El Khatib: Recent and upcoming code evolutions
- Maria Derkova: File-format conversion
- Jean Maziejewski: Newsletter and related publications on the web
- Georg Pistotnik: The role of surface evaporation in the triggering of mountain convection in ALADIN
- Christoph Wittmann: Evaluation of ALADIN mesoscale precipitation forecasts in the southern Alpine area
- Miha Razinger: Present status of ALADIN verification project
- Martin Belluš: Documentation and monitoring system of operational applications at SHMI
- Helga Tóth: Subjective evaluation of the different versions of the ALADIN/HU-Model at the Hungarian Meteorological Service
- Helga Tóth: Detailed case study of a dramatic winter temperature overestimation of the ALADIN/HU-Model
- Margarida Belo-Pereira: Verification of ALADIN/Portugal forecasts
- Gergely Bölöni : Recent data assimilation activities
- Gergely Bölöni : Data Assim. working group conclusions
- Piet Termonia : Phys_dynam working group conclusions
- Sándor Kertész : LAM-EPS working group conclusions
- Neva Pristov : Physics working group conclusions
- Maria Derkova: ALADIN in SLOVAKIA
- Alexander Kann: ALADIN in AUSTRIA
- Alex Deckmyn: ALADIN in BELGIUM
- Dominique Giard: Recent improvements and next changes in ARPEGE
- Martin Janousek: ALADIN in CZECH REPUBLIC
- Martina Tudor: ALADIN in CROATIA
- Neva Pristov: ALADIN in SLOVENIA
- Harald Seidl: Representation of low cloudiness in ALADIN
- Sandor Kertesz: ALADIN in HUNGARY