High Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Project
Website of the ALADIN Consortium
Regular 21st General Assembly and 2nd joint ALADIN GA and HIRLAM Council, Darmstadt, Germany, December 8, 2016
Article published on 16 June 2016
last modification on 21 November 2017

by Patricia

The National Met Services of the ALADIN, HIRLAM and LACE consortia took the opportunity of many of their Directors gathering in Darmstadt for the EUMETSAT Council to organise the general assembly and councils :

  • the LACE Council on December 7, 2016 afternoon
  • the HIRLAM Council meeting on December 7, 2016 afternoon
  • the 21st ALADIN General Assembly meeting on December 8, 2016 morning
  • the 2nd joint ALADIN General Assembly and HIRLAM Council meeting on December 8, 2016 afternoon.

The ALADIN-HIRLAM agreement was signed by the chairpersons of the ALADIN General Assembly and the HIRLAM Council.

ALADIN-HIRLAM cooperation agreement signing by M. Benko and M. Thyrring (with the Program Managers, P. Termonia and J. Onvlee, and P. Bougeault from MF)
Participants at the 21st ALADIN GA

 21st ALADIN General Assembly (minutes)

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the draft agenda

3. Approval of the minutes of the 20th GA

4. Reports from previous meetings

5. ALADIN-HIRLAM declaration: follow-up

6. Activity reports:

7. ALADIN-HIRLAM agreement

8. Budget issues and manpower

9. Governance issues

  • New membership (if any)
  • Election of new GA chair and vice-chair
  • Report on the CA appointment
  • PAC composition

10. Date and place of the next General Assembly

11. A.O.B

 2nd joint ALADIN General Assembly and HIRLAM Council meeting (draft minutes)

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the draft agenda

3. Approval of the minutes of the 1st Joint GA/Council

4. Report from the 4th joint HAC/PAC meeting

5. Governance issues

6. Reports

7. Date and place of the 3rd joint ALADIN GA / HIRLAM Council

8. A.O.B

9. Closing

commonactivities_systemtalk_newma.pdf 151.7 KiB / PDF

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mf_pandp_arparometalk.pdf 363.7 KiB / PDF

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tour-aladin-2016.pdf 6.8 MiB / PDF