2019 Joint LACE Data Assimilation & DAsKIT Working Days, Prague, 18-20 September 2019
Following the success of last years organization, the DAsKIT WD this year was also partly joint with the LACE Data Assimilation Working Days (DAWD): the program started with a joint session were each country presented its local status/progress report; then the working days were separated and just joint again for a final joint discussion on conclusions and plans.
Agenda and list of participants
Common block of status/progress presentations
- Algeria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Morocco
- Poland
- Portugal
- Tunisia
- Austria
- Croatia
- Czech Rep.
- Hungary
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Romenia
Invited talks
- Status of SAPP in Met Éirean
- Status of OPLACE system
- Recent progress in HIRLAM upper-air data assimilation
DAsKIT talks & practical notes
- 2019 DAsKIT: surface DA validation/diagnostics
- OBSMON implementation
- Screening & Monitoring exercises
- 2019 DAsKIT: Exercise on AMDAR pre-processing
- AMDAR Issue
- Overview on the AMDAR action in Morocco
- 2019 DAsKIT: 3D-Var basic KIT (CY40T1)
- Background Error Covariance Modelling
- AROME-Tunisie 3Dvar system: B matrix computation & diagnostics
- HARP: current status
Final discussion
Summary report of the 2019 DAsKIT WD
Next steps
- Coming events:
- 2020 DAsKIT will be host by ZAMG in Vienna, Austria
- Next DAsKIT video-conf will take place in December 2019
- DAsKIT goals for 2019-2020:
- finish the tuning and joint validation of local surface DA cycling (CY40T1 and CY43T2)
- step_by_step move to a combined solution of surface+3D-Var DA at CY43T2.