
SURFEX Users Workshop :

The second SURFEX Users Workshop organized by Meteo-France took place in Toulouse, France, at the Meteopole Centre International de Conferences (CIC) from Monday 18th March 2019 9pm to Tuesday 19th March 1pm.

The main objective of the SUW2019 workshop was to give the users the opportunity to present their activities related to SURFEX, and to facilitate communication and set up the groundwork for future collaborative efforts.

1. Progress and plans with SURFEX physics (DIF, 3-L, MEB) and data assimilation (EKF) for NWP in HIRLAM. Patrick Samuelsson
2. Offline SURFEX Data Assimilation in the NWP model HARMONIE-AROME. Trygve Aspelien
3. Snow analysis for NWP at Meteo France and recent developments for land surface analysis. Camille Birman
4. Monitoring and Forecasting the Impact of the 2018 Summer Heatwave on Vegetation. Clement Albergel
5. Last scientific evolutions in the Crocus snowpack model. Matthieu Lafaysse
6. Snowpack modelling using the Crocus snowpack model at the Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO). Matjaz Licar
7. SICE in SURFEX 8.1: details of implementation and recent developments. Yurii Batrak
8. Impact of the GELATO 1D scheme in the AROME model over the Barents Sea. Niramson Azouz
9. Improvements in the carbon cycle between the CMIP5 and CMIP6 versions of ISBA. Christine Delire
10. Big-root approximation of site-scale vegetation water uptake. Martin Bouda
11. New Fine-scale Urban Data and their application. Valery Masson
12 Uses of SURFEX in NIMH, Bulgaria. Eram Artinyan
13 Hydrological forecast systems using SURFEX. Francois Besson
14 Groundwater seasonal forecast using the French Aqui-FR platform. Delphine Leroux
15 Recent changes in the ISBA-CTRIP land surface system for use in the CNRM-CM6 climate model and in global off-line hydrological applications. Bertrand Decharme
16 Increasing the spatial resolution of the CTRIP routing model: hydrological impacts over France. Simon Munier
17 Numerical study of the interaction between oasis and urban areas within an arid mountains-desert system in Xinjiang, China using ALARO-SURFEX. Rafiq Hamdi
18 The irrigation with ECOCLIMAP Second Generation in SURFEX. Arsene Druel
19 Impact of irrigation in the Ebro basin using Meso-NH mesoscale model. Patrick Le Moigne

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