General presentation

In Surfex, each model grid box is represented by four surface types : sea or ocean, water bodies (lakes, ...), urban areas and nature (soil and vegetation). Each surface type is modeled with a specific surface model and the total flux of the grid box results from the addition of the individual fluxes weighted by their respective fraction.

Summary of the main components of the surfex model

The model for the tile "Nature" is the ISBA (interaction soil-biosphere-atmosphere) model : more details here
The model for the tile "Town" is the TEB (Town energy balance) model : The TEB page on the CNRM-GAME website.
Surface fluxes above the tile "sea and ocean" can be treated in a very simple way or by using more physically based model : more details here
Surface fluxes above the lake tile can be treated in a very simple way or by using the FLake model more details here
Emission and deposition of dust and aerosols are treated over land and oceans more details here
Assimilation of near surface meteorological variables and remotely sensed variables can be performed using an optimal interpolation or an Ensemble Kalman filter scheme more details here


How to begin with SURFEX?

Articles in this section

  • Surface assimilation

  • Chemistry and aerosols

  • Tile Lakes

  • Tile Sea and Ocean

  • Tile Nature